Dep Software Build Automation Tool
dep is a software build automation tool, similar in function to make.
It features:
A simple, powerful language
Determination of sources and targets by analysing command lines
Determination of included files by simply reading source files
Complete integration and handling of subprojects
dep's language requires little more than the build commands that it must run. For example, this:
cc -o fnord.o -c fnord.c
is a complete build rule in dep. With a careful reading of the command, dep can tell that it:
writes fnord.o
reads fnord.c
reads all of the files that fnord.c includes, along with all of the files that they include, and
so on recursively.
The little more that dep needs is the syntax of the command-line options, which is provided by a
line such as:
syntax -mixed gcc -g -f: -I:%includedir -W: -o:%out -c -l:%library -L:%libdir -.\* %in
in /etc/depsyntax .
dep provides, but does not require, a syntax for include files. It looks like this:
fileinfo fnord.cpp OK 2022-11-22 12:34:56.789 123456 includes foo.h
(There is a little more information in there, namely a build state, a modification time, and a file
size). But that is for a cached copy of the information. Most often, dep simply uses the native
include syntax, by reading the source file directly and looking for lines such as:
#include "foo.h"
dep can also easily handle multiple build projects, similar to make's recursive functionality, but
without requiring recursion. dep simply includes all of a subprojects rules, and runs them as
necessary. Usually they will be in different directories; dep will change the filenames as necessary,
and change directory before running any commands found there.
dep also runs its build commands in parallel whenever possible.
UNIX make, GNU make are successful build tools and GNU make in particular is still being improved.
dep, however, is deliberately a break from the past. It is intended to be a
successor to make, but not compatible. There are two fundamental reasons for this:
The make tools require (a) as input sources, targets, and commands, which (b) may be implicitly
constructed and (c) may be tweaked. Whereas dep requires (a) just the commands, which (b) may be
procedurally constructed and (c) are automatically analysed to determine the source and target
dependency relationships.
Make's fundamental data type is the string, whereas dep's fundamental datatype is the
filename. This change allows dep to handle multiple-subproject, multi-directory environments
with much more flexibility.
In addition, in comparison to GNU make, there are several things that dep can do that make can't.
These are:
Determine sources and targets by analysis of build commands
Determine include files by simple reading of the source files
Directly model include files as include files, instead of as additional source files
As necessary, compare file contents instead of just assuming that a rebuilt file has changed
Provide straightforward constructs such as loops and conditions in the source language
There are also things that dep does considerably better:
Subprojects (i.e. include foo/DepFile) are drawn directly into the project tree instead of using
recursive make
Determination of include files directly from source files (i.e. #include "fnord.h")
Running commands without invoking a shell
Handling of filenames that contain whitespace
And there are things that dep simply makes easier:
Commands with multiple targets
Parallel execution
Multiple platforms
There are also some features of GNU make that dep deliberately does not attempt to replicate:
:: syntax
Multiple build rules for a target
Reprocessing of variable assignments
Recursive make
And there are some features that dep implements quite differently:
.PHONY . dep splits this into two features:
%pseudo (if its commands should always be run)
%alias (if it has no commands)
Suffix rules and implicit rules (dep knows these as % pattern rules. They are not
present by default, but you can use them if you like)
dep is written in C++ .
Have you found a bug? Got a suggestion? Maybe it's working perfectly! Let me know how you go.
Email me (Matthew Rickard) at
Release Notes
dep 0.5
dep 0.5 was released on 12 October 2024. Changes are:
improvements to build ordering via whichComesFirst
cached getFileState
added timestampsize
added implementsHeader
cached getCompletionSeconds
refactored shared memory
runs recently-failed steps until 15% through the job, then switches to critical-path steps
when looking for the finished job, stopped looking through old jobs
improved pattern matching of #include statements
stopped looking for #include statements when the cached copy is OK
debug senseModTime/senseSize/senseRule/FILEFLAG\_STAT\_CHANGED
get the updated mod time before writing it back to cache
Fixed 'file exists' errors on mkdir commands
Gradually scaled up from number of processors (e.g. 8) number of register sets (e.g. 16)
Fixed bug that sometimes reset the number of pipelines
Fixed bug that sometimes let there be more pipelines than register sets
Fixed syntax lookup of commands starting with "-":w
Added new acceptance test in Gossammer Markup Language
Added exists\_file\_ext mechanism that marks all .so/.dll rules at %exists
Added mechanism that marks all mkdir rules at %exists
Added --noskip option that runs all %exists rules
Added mechanism that automatically finds all mkdir dependencies
Changed %exist to %exists
Added %alias for precompiled headers
Added --noreadcache, --nowritecache and --writecache
Debugged pipeline commands
Refactored verbosity options and output
Added --tracefile option
Stopped making duplicate stat() calls
Debugged marking of re-generated files
Debugged reading of #include files from .c files
Added % patterns
Shrank some struct sizes
Fixed memory leaks
Refactored parser buffer creation+deletion
Changed --simplesort to --fixedorder
Refactored nextCommand to remove startMore option
The set of --treeincludes include files now depends on the list of -I options
dep 0.4
dep 0.4 was released on 30 May 2023. Changes are:
Added filename and line number to duplicate rule warning messages
Fixed bug that caused non-duplicate rules to be listed as warnings
Separated environment variable spaces for parallel execution streams
Fixed bug that wrote duplicate rules to .DepFileCache
Fixed bug in determining locations of included source files
Fixed bug in normalizing file path names
dep 0.3
dep 0.3 was released on 9 March 2023. Changes are:
Changed findIncludes mechanism to look at filenames instead of options such as -c, to handle
instances such as gcc a.c b.o
Fixed bugs in quote mark parsing
Combined operations on rule and tree includes
dep 0.2
dep 0.2 was released on 16 February 2023. Changes are:
Added sensing and invalidation of some misbuilt files (generally 0 byte
files, but 8 bytes for .a files)
Added %outz for files that may validly be zero length
Fixed bugs in handling of rules with no inputs e.g. mkdir commands
Added existence dependencies
Changed -p option to -j
No need to put " > %out " in syntax lines any more, it is now always assumed
Fixed bugs in interpretation of nested for loops
Allowed braces on subsequent lines of for loops
Changed "if ... endif" to "if { }"
Fixed some errors in the generation of .DepFileCache and suppressed some others in readback
Improved line and column number reporting in DepFile syntax error messages
Added /etc/depsyntax file, which includes syntaxes of common commands
Fixed bug in export statements within rules: they are now run during execution, not during parsing
dep 0.1
dep 0.1 was released on 7 December 2022.
Copyright and Licence
Copyright (C) 2022 Matthew Rickard
dep is free software licenced under the GNU General Public Licence version 3.