Dep Software Build Automation Tool

Release Notes

Dep 0.51

Dep 0.51 was released on 20 December 2024. Changes are:

Dep 0.5

Dep 0.5 was released on 12 October 2024. Changes are:

Dep 0.4

Dep 0.4 was released on 30 May 2023. Changes are:

Dep 0.3

Dep 0.3 was released on 9 March 2023. Changes are:

Dep 0.2

Dep 0.2 was released on 16 February 2023. Changes are:

Dep 0.1

Dep 0.1 was released on 7 December 2022.

Copyright and Licence

Copyright (C) 2022 Matthew Rickard

Dep is free software licenced under the GNU General Public Licence version 3.