Add some more lines to foo.c (specifically the "quux" lines):
#include <stdio.h>
#include "bar.h"
#include "quux.h"
int main() {
printf("Hello from foo\\n");
printf("bar() says %d\\n", bar());
printf("quux() says %d\\n", quux());
return 0;
Add a new folder called ../quux. (In dep style, the folders of libraries and apps form a
shallow hierachy of siblings instead of a deep hierarchy of dependencies):
$ mkdir ../quux
$ cd ../quux
In there, add quux.h:
#ifndef QUUX_H
#define QUUX_H
int quux();
And add quux.c:
#include "quux.h"
int quux() {
return 123;
And add a DepFile for a shared library:
include /etc/depsyntax
cc -c -o quux.o quux.c
mkdir -p ../bin
cc -shared -o ../bin/libquux.so quux.o
cd back to ../foo:
$ cd ../foo
and edit the DepFile:
include ../quux/DepFile
cc -c -o foo.o -I . -I ../quux foo.c
cc -c -o bar.o bar.c
mkdir ../bin
cc -o ../bin/foo foo.o bar.o -L ../bin -Wl,-rpath,../bin -l quux
Run dep --mkdir --fixedorder:
Targetting ../bin/foo
(in ../quux) cc -c -o quux.o quux.c
(in ../quux) mkdir -p ../bin
(in ../quux) cc -shared -o ../bin/libquux.so quux.o
cc -c -o foo.o -I . -I ../quux foo.c
cc -o ../bin/foo foo.o bar.o -L ../bin -Wl,-rpath,../bin -l quux
The --mkdir option causes dep to automatically add existence dependencies between
files mkdir commands. Without the option, dep does not add such dependencies,
as there are a lot of them, and they are rarely needed.
An existence dependency is a dependency where a target is considered up to date
if its source exists. Timestamps and file sizes are not compared any further.
Make calls these order-only dependencies.
run ../bin/foo
Hello from foo
bar() says 17
quux() says 123
Edit ../quux/quux.c and change the return value of the function:
#include "quux.h"
int quux() {
return 4321;
And run dep again:
Targetting ../bin/foo
(in ../quux) cc -c -o quux.o quux.c
(in ../quux) cc -shared -o ../bin/libquux.so quux.o
It is worth noting here is that dep did not re-link the final executable ../bin/foo.
Most of the time, it doesn't have to: final linkage is actually done by the
loader. To be sure that the program still works, run ../bin/foo:
Hello from foo
bar() says 17
quux() says 4321
These are existence dependencies again. /etc/depsyntax has the line:
exists_file_ext .so .dll
This means that any source file with the extension .so or .dll gets an existence dependency
instead of of an ordinary source dependency.
On occasion, you might prefer (or need) to do a full relink
that does not skip any steps. Do do this, run dep --noskip:
Targetting ../bin/foo
cc -o ../bin/foo foo.o bar.o -L ../bin -Wl,-rpath,../bin -l quux